University of Virginia Library


In vain, my Charmer, you advise
What Fate forbids, and Love denies:
In vain with Patience bid me stay
And calmly wait a better day.
To one (alas!) who loves as I,
To live in Hope, is but to die.
If Time alone must be my cure,
Ah! think what Anguish I endure:
The pangs, the doubts, the sears he proves,
Who can but wish for her he loves?
Oh! when, my Fair One, fully blest
Shall I repose upon thy breast;
Enamour'd gaze upon those eyes,
And kindle envy in the Skies?
Haste, gentle Sun, a Lover's pace;
Like Light'ning run thy fiery race.


While thy slow orb my bliss delays,
I hate thy beams, I curse thy rays.
With double Speed thy course pursue,
And rob the World of half it's Due.