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Mr. Cooke's Original Poems

with Imitations and Translations of Several Select Passages of the Antients, In Four Parts: To which are added Proposals For perfecting the English Language

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ODE the Ninth, To Celia.
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ODE the Ninth, To Celia.


Celia , boasted Child of Beauty,
Ambitious of a spotless Name,
Mindful of her humble Duty,
Avoids the common Road to Fame.


Florio, of his Apparel vain,
Labours to charm th'unwary Eye;
While Celia views him with Disdain,
For her a Croud of Florios dy.


Fond Dapperwit, to win the Fair,
Attempts the Pow'r of Love to sing,
While she condemns to long Despair
The flutt'ring and the rhyming Thing.



Alike offensive to the wise,
The empty Fop, the barren Lays,
With Justice, Celia, you despise;
When they accuse you most they praise.