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The Works of John Sheffield

Earl of Mulgrave, Marquis of Normanby, and Duke of Buckingham. In two volumes ... The third edition, Corrected

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Dejected, as true Converts die,
But yet with fervent Thoughts inflam'd,
So, fairest! at your Feet I lie,
Of all my Sex's Faults asham'd.
Too long, alas! have I abus'd
Love's innocent and sacred Flame,
And that divinest Pow'r have us'd
To laugh at, as an idle Name.
But since so freely I confess
A Crime which may your Scorn produce,
Allow me now to make it less
By any just and fair Excuse.


I then did vulgar Joys pursue,
Variety was all my Bliss;
But ignorant of Love and You,
How could I chuse but do amiss?
If ever now my wandring Eyes
Seek out Amusements as before;
If e'er I look, but to despise
Such Charms, and value yours the more;
May sad Remorse, and guilty Shame,
Revenge your Wrongs on faithless me;
And, what I tremble ev'n to name,
May I lose all in losing thee.