University of Virginia Library

The Norway Whale.


I am the Messenger of angry Fate,
And do approaching Monarchs Death relate:
Norway with trembling Eyes doth look on me,
And I'me the Comet of the Sea.
Meteors from Heaven betoken Death,
And I do tell it from beneath.


To Mariners an Island I appear,
And fearless they unto my side draw near,
Wondering what unknown Land their course doth stay,
And think they have mistook their way.


Their Charts and Mapps in vain they spread,
Believing Nature's lately brought to Bed.


Yet wisely Nature with my Bulk doth deal,
And Folly on my Greatness doth entail;
Makes me a dull, stupid, and senceless Piece,
My Head but not my Brains encrease.
Did Wit or Malice dwell in me,
How dangerous a Monster should I be?


How many Whales may even our Country boast,
Whose Souls are in their Massy Bodies lost?
Who, if it haps they don't mischievous grow,
Their praise is, that they know not how:
Their Innocence from Folly got,
Their Excellence not in their Head, but Throat.