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The Works of Mr. Robert Gould

In Two Volumes. Consisting of those Poems [and] Satyrs Which were formerly Printed, and Corrected since by the Author; As also of the many more which He Design'd for the Press. Publish'd from his Own Original Copies [by Robert Gould]

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SONG XXIV. The Enquiry resolv'd.
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SONG XXIV. The Enquiry resolv'd.


O thou! to whom my Soul does bend!
What is it that thy Charms intend?
From whence, or how canst thou impart
Such lasting Transport to the Heart?
Where does the wond'rous Magick lie,
Or in thy Voice, or in thy Eye,
That make thy Adorers think the giv'n
To grant us here a Tast of Heav'n?


Others we may as beauteous see,
Yet we can gaze on only thee!
One by her Truth her Lover charms,
Another with her Vertue warms;
This by her Wit asserts her Power,
And this attracts us with her Dow'r;
But to thy Share alone does fall
Th'num'rous Gifts that charm us all!


'Tis done; I've found the Myst'ry out
Of which so many Lovers doubt.
'Tis not thy Shape, thy Face, thy Mein,
Or any other Part that's seen


(Tho' they so much our Wonder claim)
That kindles such a deathless Flame;
It is the constant Joy we find
That one so beauteous is so kind!