University of Virginia Library

[Worldly designes, feares, hopes, farwell!]


Worldly designes, feares, hopes, farwell!
Farewell all earthly joyes and cares!
On nobler thoughts my soule shall dwell,
Worldly designes, feares, hopes, farwell!
Att quiett, in my peacefull cell,
I'le thincke on God, free from your snares;
Worldly designes, feares, hopes, farwell!
Farwell all earthly joys and cares.


I'le seeke my God's law to fullfill,
Riches and power I'le sett att nought;
Lett others striue for them that will,
I'le seeke my God's law to fullfill:
Least sinfull pleasures my soule kill,
(By folleye's uayne delights first caught,)
I'le seeke my God's law to fulfill,
Riches and power I'le sett att nought.


Yes (my deare Lord!) I'ue found itt soe;
Noe joyes but thine are purely sweet;
Other delights come mixt with woe,
Yes (my deare Lord!) I'ue found itt soe.


Pleasure att courts is but in show,
With true content in cells wee meete;
Yes (my deare Lord!) I'ue found it soe,
Noe joyes but thine are purely sweet.