University of Virginia Library

The Recovery.


To see us but receiv, is such a Sight
As makes his Treasures infinit!
Becaus His Goodness doth possess
In us, His own, and our own Blessedness.
Yea more, His Love doth take Delight
To make our Glory Infinite
Our Blessedness to see


Is even to the Deitie
A Beatifick Vision! He attains
His Ends while we enjoy. In us He reigns.


For God enjoyd is all his End.
Himself he then doth Comprehend.
When He is Blessed, Magnified,
Extold, Exalted, Praisd and Glorified
Honord, Esteemd, Belovd, Enjoyd,
Admired, Sanctified, Obeyd,
That is receivd. For He
Doth place his Whole Felicitie
In that, who is despised and defied
Undeified almost if once denied.


In all his Works, in all his Ways,
We must his Glory see and Prais;
And since our Pleasure is the End,
We must his Goodness and his Lov attend.
If we despise his Glorious Works,
Such Sin and Mischief in it lurks,
That they are all made vain
And this is even Endless Pain
To him that sees it. Whose Diviner Grief
Is here upon (Ah me!) without relief.


We pleas his Goodness that receiv:
Refusers Him of all bereav.
As Bride grooms Know full well that Build
A Palace for their Bride. It will not yeeld
Any Delight to him at all
If She for whom He made the Hall


Refuse to dwell in it
Or plainly Scorn the Benefit.
Her Act that's Wo'ed, yeelds more delight and Pleasure
If she receivs, Then all that Pile of Treasure.


But we have Hands and Lips and Eys
And Hearts and Souls can Sacrifice.
And Souls themselvs are made in vain
If we our Evil Stubbornness retain.
Affections, Praises, are the Things
For which he gave us all these Springs,
They are the very fruits
Of all these Trees and Roots
The Fruits and Ends of all his Great Endeavors,
Which he abolisheth whoever Severs.


Tis not alone a Lively Sence
A clear and Quick Intelligence
A free, Profound, and full Esteem:
Tho these Elixars all and Ends to seem
But Gratitude, Thanksgiving, Prais,
A Heart returnd for all these Joys,
These are the Things admird,
These are the Things by Him desird.
These are the Nectar and the Quintessence
The Cream and Flower that most affect his Sence.


The voluntary Act wherby
These are repaid, is in his Ey
More Precious then the very Skie.


All Gold and Silver is but Empty Dross
Rubies and Saphires are but Loss
The very Sun and Stars and Seas
Far less his Spirit pleas.
One Voluntary Act of Love
Far more Delightfull to his Soul doth prove
And is abov all these as far as Love.