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Posthume Poems of Richard Lovelace

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Cupid far gone.
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Cupid far gone.


What so beyond all madnesse is the Elf,
Now he hath got out of himself!
His fatal Enemy the Bee,
Nor his deceiv'd Artillerie;
His Shackles, nor the Roses bough
Ne'r half so netled him as he is now.


See! at's own Mother he is offering,
His Finger now fits any Ring;
Old Cybele he would enjoy,
And now the Girl, and now the Boy.
He proffers Jove a back Caresse,
And all his Love in the Antipodes.


Jealous of his chast Psyche, raging he,
Quarrels the Student Mercurie;


And with a proud submissive Breath
Offers to change his Darts with Death.
He strikes at the bright Eye of Day,
And Juno tumbles in her milky way.


The dear Sweet Secrets of the Gods he tells,
And with loath'd hate lov'd heaven he swells;
Now like a fury he belies
Myriads of pure Virginities;
And swears, with this false frenzy hurld,
There's not a vertuous She in all the World.


Olympus he renownces, then descends,
And makes a friendship with the Fiends;
Bids Charon be no more a slave,
He Argos rigg'd with Stars shall have;
And triple Cerberus from below
Must leash'd t'himself with him a hunting go.