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The History of Philosophy

... By Thomas Stanley. Containing those on whom the Attribute of VVise was conferred

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[Bion the Boristhenite]
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[Bion the Boristhenite]

Bion the Boristhenite,
By his Birth to Scythia known,
Did religious duties slight,
Gods affirming there were none.
If to what he then profest,
Firm he had continued still,
Then his tongue had spoke his breast,
And been constant though in ill.
But the same who Gods deni'd,
He who sacred fanes despis'd,
He who mortalls did deride,
When to Gods they sacrific'd;
Tortur'd by a long disease,
And of deaths pursuit afraid,
Guifts their anger to appease
On their hearths and Altars laid.
Thus with smoak and incensetries
To delight their sacred scent;
I have sinn'd, not only cries,
And what I profest repent.
But unto an old wives charms
Did his willing neck submit,
And about his feeble armes
Caus'd them leather thongs to knit.
And a youthfull sprig of bayes
Did set up before his gate:
Every means and way essaies
To divert approaching fate.
Fool to think the Gods might be
Brib'd with gifts, their favours bought,
Or the sacred Deitie
Were, and were not as he thought.
But his wisdoms titles (now
Turn'd to ashes) not avail
With stretch'd arms, I know not how,
Hail he cried, great Pluto hail.