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Abel redevivus

or, The dead yet speaking. The Lives and Deaths of the Moderne Divines. Written by severall able and learned Men (whose names ye shall finde in the Epistle to the Reader.) And now digested into one Volumne, for the benefit and satisfaction of all those that desire to be acquainted with the Paths of Piety and Virtve [by Thomas Fuller]

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The life and Death of John Diazius, who dyed Anno Christi 1546.
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The life and Death of John Diazius, who dyed Anno Christi 1546.

The attribution of this poem is questionable.


Diazius in his youthfull dayes had cloath'd
His heart with Popery, and after, loath'd
What he had done; for when he was inspir'd
By Heaven, he searcht for truth, and soon untyr'd
Himselfe; and having found the pathes of truth,
He hated what he acted in his youth.
Thus being turn'd from those wayes that lead
To utter ruine, Fame began to spread
Her wings abroad, and hover in the eare
Of the distasted Pope, who could not heare
Goodnesse without impatience, but strove
To win him with reward of promis'd love:
But finding t'was in vaine, he chang'd his minde
From Love to Murther, and with speed inclin'd
Himselfe to mischiefe being voyd of grace,
Put out that light which shin'd so much in's face.