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A garden of graue and godlie flowers

Sonets, elegies, and epitaphs. Planted, polished, and perfected: By Mr. Alexander Gardyne

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Vpon the honorable the Laird of Corss.

Vpon the honorable the Laird of Corss.

The glorious Gods, ô seldome wonder strange,
Drest in their dule, convoied all with cair,
Wrath for thy wrack, all willing to revenge,
Thy wrong, down from the watrie voulted Air,
Hes left the Heavens, their habitations thair,
Thy dolent death to quite it, if they can:
The thundring Ioue to magnifie thee mair,
Hes vou'd to venge vpon the Sprit's that span
Thy threid so thin; the mightie Mars, say's than
The spoyls of death shall grace the graue aboue,
In spight of death, in witnes that thou wan
Of all the Gods, the favour, grace, and loue.
Apollo last, laments thee with the laue,
And vow's t'ingraph thy glore aboue thy graue,