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Anus speakis to Galathea.

The richtuous brute takis mekil force and strenth,
And the effects, maist viuely dois display,
For veritie, sall ay preuail at lenth,
Bot wrangous brute, sall peresch and decay:
The comoun sclander, I sall stenche and stay,
And all your cair, and feir I sall abstract,
Ye and your spots, sall clokit be I say,
Be craft and moyen, quhilk I sall you mak.
Of Venvs vse, I vnderstand the cure,
Hir craft I ken, and can the same define,
Swa, sall the mater be maid saif and sure,
Quhilk is deuisid and wrocht be my ingine:
Counsall me how, my wourdis I suld incline,
To speik to Pamphil, quhen I se him sell,
That I may speik my wourdis the surer sine,
Quhilk ye before, informd me for to tell.