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Animali d' ogni sorte se trovarno nel Rete della morte.

How many a subtile snare and guilefull gin
Hath man devis'd, and daily doth devise,
To take all sorts of feather'd fowles therein?
Some birds nathlesse, so warie been and wise


Not to be tane for all his subtilties.
But there's a fowler layes his deadly gins
Man to intrap, as man doth birds surprize,
Spreading his nets when his life first begins:
And though all things his fatall nets perceive,
Yet never bird this fowler could deceive.
All sorts to him beene all indifferent,
Ringtailes, Buzzards, Puttocks, Ravens, Crowes, Pyes,
Th' imperiall Eagle, and the Falcon Gent,
Pigions, Parakitoes, Peacocks, and Popingies,
And Nightingales which pipe and minstrelize
By night, to all that (fearfull) shunne the day;
Yea, and the Phœnix (if yet mortall eyes
Such Phœnix ever saw as Stories say)
In that foule-crab-fac'd-fowlers horrid hands.
Must gasp their last-fetcht-breath; see where he stands.