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The garland of Good Will

Diuided into three parts: Containing many pleasant Songs, and prety poems, to sundry new Notes. With a Table to finde the names of all the Songs. Written by T. D. [i.e. Thomas Deloney]

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9. A farewell to Loue.

9. A farewell to Loue.

The attribution of this poem is questionable.

Farewell false Loue the Oracle of lyes:
A mortall foe, an enemy to rest;
An enuious boy from whence great cares arise:
A Bastard vile, a beast with rage possest.
A way for error, tempest, full of treason;
In all respects contrary vnto reason.
A poyson'd Serpent couered all with flowers,
Mother of sighs, and murtherers of repose;
A season of sorrow, whence ran all such showres,
As moysture giues to euery griefe that growes:
A schoole of guile, a nest of deepe deceit,
A golden hooke, that holds a poysoned bait.

A fortlesse field, whom reason did defend:
A Syrens song, a feruor of the mind:
A maze, wherein affection finds no end:
A raining cloud, that runs before the wind,
A substance like the shadow of the Sunne:
A gole of griefe, for which the wisest runne.
A quenchlesse fire, a rest of trembling feare:
A path that leads to perill and mishap:
A true retreat of sorrow and despaire,
An idle boy that sleepes in pleasures lap:
A deepe mistrust of that which certaine seemes,
A hope of that which reason doubtfull deemes.
Then sith my reigne my yonger yeeres betraid:
And for my faith ingratitude I find:
And sith repentance hath the wrong bewraid,
Whose crooked cause hath not beene after kind:
False loue go backe, and beauty fraile adew,
Dead is the root from whence such fancies grew.