University of Virginia Library

Canzon. 23.

[Thy corall coloured lips how should I pourtray]

Thy corall coloured lips how should I pourtray
Vnto the vnmatchable patterne of their sweet?
A draught of blessednesse I stole away
From them when last I kist, I tast it yet:
So did that sugrie touch my lips en-sucket:
On them Mineruas hunny birds doe hiue
Mellifluous words when so thou please to frame
Thy speech to entertainment, thence I deriue
My hearts sole paradize and my lips sweet gaine.
Ye are the corall gates of temples Clarion,
Where out the Pithyus preacht Diuinitie,
Vnto thy voyce bequeath'd the good Arion
His siluerie lire, such Pæan melodie
Thy voyce the organ pipe of Angels quire
Trebles, yet one kisse and Ile raise them hier.