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Fiue hundred pointes of good Husbandrie

as well for the Champion, or open countrie, as also for the woodland, or Seuerall, mixed in euerie Month with Huswiferie, ouer and besides the booke of Huswiferie, corrected, better ordered, and newly augmented to a fourth part more, with diuers other lessons, as a diet for the fermer, of the properties of winds, planets, hops, herbes, bees, and approoued remedies for sheepe and cattle, with many other matters both profitable and not vnpleasant for the Reader. Also a table of husbandrie at the beginning of this booke: and another of huswiferie at the end: for the better and easier finding of any matter conteined in the same. Newly set foorth by Thomas Tusser

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Other short remembrances.

Cisse, haue an eie,
to bore in the stie.
By malt ill kept,
small profit is rept.
Friend ringle thy hog,
for feare of a dog.
Rie straw vp stack,
least Thacker doe lack.
Wheat straw, drie saue,
for cattell to haue.
Wheat chaffe, lay vp drie,
in safetie to lie.
Make handsome a bin,
for chaffe to lie in.


(Seede thresht) thou shalt,
thresh barlie to malt.
Cut bushes to hedge,
fence medow, and redge.
Stamp crabs that may,
for rotting away.
Make vergis and perie,
sowe kirnell and berie.
Now gather vp fruite,
of euerie suite.
Marsh wall too slight,
strength now, or god night.
Mend, wals of mud,
for now it is good.
Where soile is of sand,
quick set out of hand.
To plots not full,
ad, bremble and hull.
For set no bar,
whilst month hath an R.
Like note thou shalt,
for making of malt.
Brew now to last,
till winter be past.
Here ends Octobers short remembrances.