University of Virginia Library

The Argument to the fift Historie.

The Lumbard Albyon conquered Cunimund,
And after death of him inioyd the state,
And married with the Ladie Rosamund,
The Princes daughter whom he slue so late:
Whose skull he did conuert into a pot,
Because his conquest should not be forgot.
His custome was at euerie feast hee made,
To drinke therein for pompe and foolish pride,
And on a time his Queene he gan perswade
To doe the like: whereto she nought replide
But so much scornd his offer of disdaine,
As straight she drew a plot to haue him slaine.


A noble man that Don Ermigio hight,
With on Parradio by the Queenes deceate,
Were wrought to kill this monster if they might,
And by the sworde they meant to doe the feate:
And so they did within little while,
VVhen least the king mistrusted anie guile,
Vpon his death, Ermigio out of hand,
Espousde the ladie Rosamand to his wife,
Which when longums chaunst to vnderstand
He practisde with the Queene to reaue his life,
To thend that he might marrie with his dame,
Who gaue consent to do this deade of shame.
With venim vile to worke she thought it best
Which when Ermigio dranke, and found the drift,
By force he draue the Queene to drinke the rest
Who seeing that there was none other shift
The payson supt, and took it patientlie.
As iust rewarde for both their villanie.
Parradio eke whose helping hand did further
The Lumbards haue, and brought him to his death
For guerdon due to him, to quit the murther,
First lost his eies, and after that his breath
That men might see, how trulie God doth
And plague offences, lightlie with the like.