University of Virginia Library


VPON THEE DEATH OF THEE right honourable and his moste deere coosē, thee lord Baron of Louth, who was trayterouslye murthred by Mackmaughoun, an Irish Lording, about thee yeere 1577.

Thus loa, thyne hast (coosen) bred waste too cittye, toe country.
Thee bearbrat boucher thy corps with villenye mangled.
Not by his manlye valour, but through thy desperat offer.
As the liefe is lasting too sutch, as in armes ar heedye,
Eun so death is posting too those, that in armor ar headye.
Haulfpenye, far better then an housful cluster of angels,
Althogh habil, would not fro thye danger deadlye be parted.
Whom lief combyned death could not scatter a sunder.
Sutch is thee fastnesse of foster brootherhod Irish.
Thogh Sydny and Deluyn thee murther partlye reuenged:
A losse so pretiouse may not bee fully requited.
Thee death of a thowsand Maghouns is vnequal amendment.
Thee nobles may not but a death so bluddye remember,
Thee Plunckets wyl not from mynd such boutcherye bannish.
Thy Ladye, thy kinred doo misse thy freendship aprooued;
Thee cittee mourneth the lack of a counsalor holsoom;
And thee countrye moneth thee want of a zealus vpholder;
Vertu eeke lamenteth thee lack of an holye repentaunt.
How beyt dame Uertu thy goodnesse kindlye rewardeth,
In memory thin honour, thy soul eeke in glorye reposing.