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For, Ile Stabbe ye. By S. R. [i.e. Samuel Rowlands]

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Disloyall Traytor.

False harted Traytor, bred of Iudas kinde,
Sent from the Furies, about Helles affayres:
That vnto mischiefe wholy art inclin'd,
And neither for thy soule nor body cares:
Thou that with Sinon wishest Troy might burne,
To serue and fit the Deuill, thy Maisters turne.
Thou that doest plot and practise gainst the state,
And Gods Annoynted dar'st with treason touch.
Thou that can'st to thy Soueraigne be ingrate,
Whom thou art dearely bound to honour much:
Ile fyle no handes vpon thee; I abhorre thee,
But Ile giue order to the Hangman for-thee.