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The Poems of John Byrom

Edited by Adolphus William Ward

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For his better Improvement by Reading or Conversation.


In reading Authors, when you find
Bright Passages that strike your Mind,
And which perhaps you may have Reason
To think on at another Season:
Be not contented with the Sight,
But take them down in Black and White.
Such a Respect is wisely shown
That makes another's Sense one's own.


When you're asleep upon your Bed,
A Thought may come into your Head,
Which may be of good use, if taken
Due Notice of when you're awaken.


Of midnight Thoughts to take no heed
Betrays a sleepy Soul indeed;
It is but dreaming in the Day
To throw our nightly Hours away.


In Conversation, when you meet
With Persons cheerful and discreet,
That speak or quote, in Prose or Rime,
Things or facetious or sublime,
Observe what passes, and anon,
When you come home, think thereupon;
Write what occurs, forget it not;
A good Thing sav'd's a good Thing got.


Let no remarkable Event
Pass with a gaping Wonderment,—
A Fool's device: “Lord, who would think!”—
Commit it safe to Pen and Ink,
Whate'er deserves Attention now;
For, when 'tis pass'd, you know not how,
Too late you'll find it, to your Cost,
So much of human Life is lost.


Were it not for the written Letter,
Pray, what were living Men the better
For all the Labours of the Dead,
For all that Socrates e'er said?


The Morals brought from Heav'n to Men
He would have carried back again:
'Tis owing to his Short-hand Youth
That Socrates does now speak Truth.