University of Virginia Library




The following poem is scored for music in the source text.


Farewell! old cottage,
You and I must part:
I leave your faithful shelter
With a poor breaking heart.
The stranger, in his might,
Hath cast our lot in twain;
The term of our delight
Must close in parting pain.—
Farewell! old cottage—
Farewell! old cottage,
You and I must part:
I leave your faithful shelter
With a poor breaking heart.


Farewell! old cottage,
Memory still inthralls
The loved ones of my childhood
In your timebeaten walls.
Here my brother played
In pride of health and youth,
Here my sister prayed
In purity and truth.
Farewell! old cottage
Farewell! old cottage,
You and I must part:
I leave your faithful shelter
With a poor breaking heart.


Farewell! old cottage,
Oft times from afar
Yon window light hath served me
As a loved guiding star,
And cheered a heart that longed
To join the household mirth
Where happy faces thronged
A hospitable hearth.
Farewell! old cottage
Farewell! old cottage,
You and I must part:
I leave &c.