University of Virginia Library



Forget me not?” Ah, words of useless warning
To one whose heart is henceforth memory's shrine!
Sooner the skylark might forget the morning,
Than I forget a look, a tone of thine.
Sooner the sunflower might forget to waken
When the first radiance lights the eastern hill,
Than I, by daily thoughts of thee forsaken,
Feel, as they kindle, no expanding thrill.
Oft, when at night the deck I'm pacing lonely,
Or when I pause to watch some fulgent star,
Will Contemplation be retracing only
Thy form, and fly to greet thee though afar.


When storms unleashed, with fearful clangor sweeping,
Drive our strained bark along the hollowed sea,
When to the clouds the foam-topped waves are leaping,
Even then I'll not forget, beloved one, thee!
Thy image, in my sorrow-shaded hours,
Will, like a sunburst on the waters, shine;
'Twill be as grateful as the breath of flowers
From some green island wafted o'er the brine.
And O, sweet lady, when, from home departed,
I count the leagues between us with a sigh,—
When, at the thought, perchance a tear has started,
May I not dream in heart thou'rt sometimes nigh?
Ay, thou wilt, sometimes, when the wine-cup passes,
And friends are gathering round in festal glee,
While bright eyes flash as flash the brimming glasses,
Let silent Memory pledge one health to me.


Farewell! My fatherland is disappearing
Faster and faster from my baffled sight;
The winds rise wildly, and thick clouds are rearing
Their ebon flags, that hasten on the night.
Farewell! The pilot leaves us; seaward gliding,
Our brave ship dashes through the foamy swell;
But Hope, forever faithful and abiding,
Hears distant welcomes in this last farewell!