University of Virginia Library




Why standest Thou from us afar,
O Lord? Why hidest Thy face?
In need and sore trouble we are.
Why standest Thou from us afar,
When the wicked the poor doth debar
From his right, and debase?
Why standest Thou from us afar,
O Lord? Why hidest Thy face?
The wicked hath said in his heart
That his glory shall never be less.
“With defeat I shall never have part,”
The wicked hath said in his heart;
So the poor he maketh to smart,
And seeketh his goods to possess.
The wicked hath said in his heart
That his glory shall never be less.
“For God hath forgotten,” he cries;
“The Lord hath forgotten the poor!”
With his tongue he uttereth lies:
“For God hath forgotten,” he cries.


He lieth in wait in disguise
That his deeds may be secret and sure.
“For God hath forgotten,” he cries;
“The Lord hath forgotten the poor!”
Most surely, O Lord, hast Thou known;
For Thou seest all sorrow and wrong;
The friendless Thou helpest alone.
Most surely, O Lord, hast Thou known
That the wicked so mighty are grown;
And to Thee we lift up our song.
Most surely, O Lord, hast Thou known;
For Thou seest all sorrow and wrong.
O Lord, Thou hast heard our desire,—
Incline Thou Thine ear to our prayer:
Let the wicked no longer conspire.
O Lord, Thou hast heard our desire,—
Lift us up from the clay and the mire,
And our hearts in Thy mercy prepare.
O Lord, Thou hast heard our desire,—
Incline Thou Thine ear to our prayer.