University of Virginia Library


Fall on, ye fairy snowflakes,
Scatter over the town;
'Tis night, but when the day breaks,
You'll sparkle on the ground.
For winter from his palace
Has just begun to move,
And shakes ye fairy snowflakes
O'er temple, hill and grove.
With gleaming eyes he watches
The snowflake as it falls,
And then, with icy fingers,
He paints the temple walls.
O'er all the earth he breathes
A cold and bitter breath;
The dripping water freezes,
And things are still as death.


With cold and icy fingers
He shrouds the earth in snow;
His fingers touch the brooklets,
And waters cease to flow.
Grim winter is an artist
Surpassing man in skill;
In white alone he pictures
The valley, grove and hill.
His trees are white and drooping,
Laden with the snow;
A freezing breath he breathes,
And wondrous beauties show.
O, man, could you but picture
Humanity in white;
Make every deed conspicuous
In snowy colors bright,
This earth would be a heaven—
A world of wondrous bliss—
Where blessings would be given,
And love and mercy kiss.