University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

The Union of University
Students Book Exchange may
have to cease operation after
next semester. We have solved
many of our early problems,
but we need people who are
willing to continue the project
next year. Why should you

In less than three years,
the Book Exchange has shown
that students are able to have some
effect on the expense involved
in buying texts. Some students
and non- students have been
willing to give their time to
make this experiment work.
Unfortunately the number of
volunteers has not kept up
with our success. This semester
we sold over $4000 in used
books, mostly texts, to
students at a fee of only $.10
for any book sold for $1 or
more. This fee was deducted
from the amount we paid to
the person selling the book
through us. Thus a student can
save both by buying needed
texts from us and by selling his
used texts through us.
Moreover there are some
indications that the presence of
the Book Exchange is
encouraging some profs to use
the same text longer.
Hopefully this will increase if
the Book Exchange continues.

In order to have the Book
Exchange next year, we must
have volunteers now for the
position of co-chairmen: A
co-chairman is responsible for
keeping the Book Exchange at
least slightly organized and
writing checks. We need five
co-chairmen for next year and
have one volunteer. Anyone
wishing to be a co-chairman
next year must start learning
about the operation while we
are open at the beginning of
the next semester. With five
people this job will require
someone with spare time, but
it should not overwork any one
person. If you think you might
be interested in either being a
co-chairman or just a volunteer
worker, contact Richard
Watkins, 142 Robers;
Newcomb Hall Sta. C'vlle
22901; phone 977-4773.

Richard Watkins