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Most of the experiments
which will involve volunteers as
requested in the ad will last
from one to two hours. They
have not yet begun as
volunteers are still being lined
up. Dr. Stanford stated that
they may have other
experiments coming up–such
as ESP dream work–which
may require staying over night.

When people come to the
parapsychology lab they will
initially be told of the
particular experiment and then
asked if they would like to
partake in it. Said Dr.
Stanford, "we try to get people
in experiments that interest
them. Basically what you get
out of these experiments is
that you learn something about
your own ESP and how it will
perform in a particular ESP
type situation."

"It's an exciting field," said
Dr. Stanford in summary. "The
phenomena are definitely
there and are very mysterious.
But it's a challenge to try to
understand it. When we come
to this understanding then
we're going to have some very
important new insights into
comprehending how things
happen in the world."