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Dear Sir:

Having read Fen
Montaigne's columns since the
September 11th issue of the
C.D., I have come to the
conclusion that his
contribution to the paper is
negligible at most. An incessant
moaner and groaner, he has
persistently produced a string
of complaints on what is wrong
with today's society, while at
the same time offering us
nothing in the way of

Many of us may tend to
agree with much of what Mr.
Montaigne has to say, but,
nevertheless, the fact remains
that until he does suggest a few
practical replacements to
what he so severely criticizes,
his comments will not be
worth the paper they are
printed on.

If you can find nothing
more worthwhile to publish
than his whimpering trash, I will
be happy to contribute
something for you.

Phil Pool
College 1