University of Virginia Library

Annual Christmas Concert:
'And The Word Became Flesh'

With candlelight and music,
the University of Virginia Glee
Club, directed by Donald
Loach, will present its
thirty-first annual Christmas
Concert this Friday, December

The central theme of this
year's program is a musical
study of the psalm "Sing to the
Lord a new song" and of the
text from John 1:14 "And the
Word became flesh and dwelt
among us." Emphasis is placed
on the central idea that this
"new song" is the Word made

The first half of the
program begins with a musical
acclamation and proceeds with
the now traditional procession
onto the candlelit stage.
Several carols follow that
comment on the Word and lead
to settings of "Sing to the
Lord." Featured is Dietrich
Buxtehude's "Cantate
Comino," accompanied by
bassoon, string bass, and

In the second half of the
program, the Glee Club will

perform a new cantata entitled
"A Day for Dancing." The
composition is a set of nine
carols that retells the story of
the Messiah's coming,
beginning with Adam's fall,
proceeding through the
prophecies, and concluding
with the birth of Christ.
Bassoon, oboe, flute, and
percussion will provide the

The concert will begin at
8:30 p.m. in Cabell Hall
Auditorium. In keeping with
tradition and the spirit of
Christmas, no admission will be
charged, but contributions
toward the Glee Club's
forthcoming European concert
tour will be gratefully received.

As has been the practice for
several years, a special
Children's Concert will be
given on Saturday morning,
December 11, at 11:00 o'clock
for children who cannot attend
the Friday evening concert.
The program will be altered
slightly for them.