University of Virginia Library

Parking Facilities

Since students are so concerned
about the parking problems at the
University, why haven't they done
something "positive" about it? It
just so happens that last year the
Student Council spent a good deal
of its own time, money, and
resources in running a bus shuttle
system around the Grounds for a
four-week period in an attempt to
convince the University
administration that a busing
system was one means available for
easing the parking crisis. Many
students could ride the bus directly
to class while students, faculty and
staff (administration if they ever
gave up their reserved parking
spaces) could also park out at
University Hall and ride the bus
into the central Grounds. It was
expected that the University, with
its superior resources, would have a
bus system running at the beginning
of the fall semester. Somehow, it
just never happened—except on
"University Tuesday", when a one
day shuttle was set up just in case
some hapless administrator had to
walk as far as students do every