University of Virginia Library

Relative Size

Neither the Board of Visitors
nor I have the slightest desire to see
the University get larger for the
sake of largeness. During the years
of my administration, the
University has declined in relative
size from first place to third last
year among Virginia's universities. I
anticipate that it will ultimately be
the fourth largest. The Visitors and
I are dedicated, however, to the
University's founding commitment
to provide opportunity for
educational development of the
very highest quality both to
Virginia and the nation. An attempt
to shut out an appreciable number
of well-qualified students from
Virginia, or from other states,
would be a violation of principles
that are the very cornerstone of this
institution. At a time when
students, faculty, and governing
boards at other colleges and
universities are striving to provide
greater educational opportunities,
and are under the public
responsibility to do so, I find it
hard to believe that the Student
Council wishes absolutely to close
the doors of Virginia's University to
those who are clearly qualified and
who can benefit form the type of
educational opportunity offered