University of Virginia Library

Right On

Dear Sir:

I have been following with great
interest the recent "water bed" ad
controversy and I feel compelled to
contribute my views of the issue for
the edification of your readers,
even though I am sure you won't
print it.

The Women's Liberation and
other radical groups have
complained that the advertisement
in question was another example of
male oppression. Furthermore they
have claimed that the ad exploited
not only the young woman (who
no doubt was quite adequately
compensated for such
"exploitation") whose body was
pictured in the ad, but all women in

What foolishness! As all know,
the business of this country is
business, and if pictures of the
female anatomy help sell water
beds, then I say Right On. Activity
in the sellers market contributes to
a healthy economy and strengthens
our fight against those who would
oppress us (ie. Communists,
Catholics, Kneegrows, and liberal

Everyone knows that the only
women who participate in Women's
Lib are the ones who are frustrated
and find the "water bed" ad
objectionable because they
themselves wish they had some
other use for a water bed than
sleeping. This is just another
example of female "penis envy"
and I wish that Women's Lib and all
other Electra cases would shut up
and quit interfering in the business
of the man's world.

Reich Mussel
Grad. Bus. II

(First of all we are not "Dear
Sirs;" we are brothers and sisters,
and don't forget it As to your
complaint about "oppressors," we
quite agree with you in your
assessment of liberal Republicans,
but that's all. Your assumption that
the members of Women's Lib have
only one use for waterbeds is
fallacious as members of our staff
can testify. Finally, as far as your
argument about "penis envy" goes,
we are quite sure that you must be
ignorant of the fact that friction
between the sexes is caused by just
the opposite: "pussy envy," from
which we are sure you suffer
