University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

Your editorial on "Committee
Appointments," while admirable in
its intent, is factually incorrect. It is
true that "any student can be a
member of a committee," and
Student Council is attempting to
place as many students as possible
on University committees.
However, the Council does not, as
your editorial states, send a "select
list to the President" with
"suggested" student members;
rather, under an agreement with
President Shannon, Student
Council appoints all student
members of University committees
subject to the President's
confirmation. Should the President
disagree with an appointment
(which has never happened) he will
consult with Council and an
alternate will be appointed.

The key point this year is this:
for the first time, students who
have not been appointed by
Student Council first will not serve
on University committees next
year. President Shannon has asked
his committee chairmen to submit
nominations directly to the Council
instead of to him. We are, of
course, cooperating fully with the
chairman, and we take our
responsibility quite seriously.

Any student who wishes to serve
on a University committee next
year should therefore make sure
that Student Council has his name
and interests.

Kevin L. Mannix
Student Council President