University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

Regarding Mr. Leech's letter of
February 23, in which he pleads the
case for the Student Council's
'Spring Offensive': While no one
doubts that Student Council will be
any less offensive than usual this
spring — and there is universal
admiration for their interesting new
ways of drafting grubs for the dirty
work — I would like to take issue
with Mr. Leech's statement that
"Leadership is definitely there."

Leadership, Sir, has but one
measure — the following. In my
three years at the University there
has been, to my knowledge, not a
single case of anyone following the
lead of the Student Council. If the
Student Council wishes to provide
leadership, it had best do as it did
last Spring — discover which way
the students are going and then put
itself in front of them before they
change direction.

College 3