University of Virginia Library


Dear Sir:

Perhaps it is quite presumptuous
of me to even attempt to comment
on Mr. Grimwood's article in the
February 17 edition of The Cavalier

However, the degree to which
the article was biased forces me to

First, in what capacity does the
reporter expect an undercover
narcotics agent to act (assuming, of
course, that the CD does not
conform to accepted journalistic
practices, and that it allows
reporters to make editorial
comment in news articles.)?

I would suppose that one could
expect a narc to be involved in drug
cases, that 28 convictions is a fairly
decent track record, and that
further, if indeed the agent in
question is undercover, the
performance of his duties would be
necessarily hampered by undue

In short, the article was too long
by half, it introduced extraneous
material, the reporter, afforded
himself of the opportunity of
editorial comment, and
unfortunately, it was quite in
keeping with the usual standards of
The Cavalier Daily.

Richard Brownfield
College 4

(All of what you call "editorial
comments" were, in fact,
quotations from identified sources.
You seem to be upset that in this
country there are those who insist
that one may photograph any of its
