University of Virginia Library

Sons Of Rich

But soon, something went
wrong with THE University. More
and more sons of rich people came
to THE University not to study but
to play, and gamble, and drink.
These rich sons did not have to
worry about their future for many
of them had great names and much
money so they could live well after
their years at THE University.

Now when people play and
gamble and drink, they don't have
too much time for thinking. And
sure enough, the people at THE
University did not do too much
critical thinking. One sign of this
lack of thought was the founding of
many traditions. Many of the
people thought that anyone who
did not have the same color skin or
same religion as they had were
inferior beings and could not come
to THE University. It was soon
obvious that THE University was
almost exactly like the society in
which the people at the school had
grown up in. Why, the people at
THE University even dressed just
like their fathers. This is not
because they wanted to dress that
way but because they thought it
made them just like grown-ups.