University of Virginia Library

Wake Leaders

Wake Forest is led by running
backs Gary Johnson and Larry
Hopkins, who have each averaged
over six yards per and
veteran quarterback Larry Russell.
They have two experienced pass
receivers in Gary Windrow and
Steve Bowden, who have caught a
combined total of 14 passes.

The Cavaliers go into Saturday's
Homecoming game "physically in
pretty good shape," according to
Head Coach George Blackburn.
Only two players are doubtful.
Hanker Chuck Mooser, who has
missed the first three games of the
season has still not completely
recovered from a severe sprained
ankle. He will see limited action at
best. The other injured player is
reserve tackle Bob Bressan with a
hip pointer which he picked up in
the Duke game. His injury could
take from one to three games to
heal according to Mr. Blackburn.