University of Virginia Library


Shortly after, a cab arrived,
Robert Kennedy had informed the
guards to let him through. As luck
would have it for young Kennedy,
the driver turned out to be a
long-haired freak. It was just his
bag, and so, naively, Robert
Kennedy told the entire story of
how he broke his arm to the driver.

To Kennedy, it was obvious that
he and the driver had much in
common although it is said that the
driver was clearly his senior by
many years. After all, he and the
driver did speak the same language,
the diction consisting of such
verbiage as "oh dynamite, wow,
and that's cool man."

By the time they had reached
the hospital, which could not have
taken more than fifteen minutes,
Kennedy had become close friends
with the driver or so he thought. He
invited him to a party in
Hyannisport on the night of July