University of Virginia Library

Dear Sir:

After reading Mr. Heblich's
article "The Custom Lives On" in
the September 14 edition of the
Cavalier Daily, we are astounded by
the inaccuracies he is propagating.
Although the coat and tie tradition
has lost some of its appeal at the
University, it most certainly hasn't
vanished, especially on "road

At least until last June, the vast
majority of Virginia males were
coat and ties—a fact to which any
perceptive observer will attest. Not
only does the tradition still exist, it
is expected by most girls
throughout the state.

As regards "refreshment," we
doubt marijuana's classification as
such. After having consulted several
veterans of road trips, we have have
been reassured that the bourbon
flask remains an essential
accoutrement of the well prepared

The only conclusions we can
reach concerning Mr. Heblich's
blatant ignorance is that he has
obviously never gone "down the
road" and is merely pandering to
the Time Magazine stereotype of
modern American college students.

Daniel Falcone
College IV

The above letter was also signed by
twelve other students in the College
of Arts and Sciences.
