University of Virginia Library

Va. Players
Next Week

The Virginia Players will present
their fifth and final production of
the year, Harold Pinter's The
Birthday Party, at 8:30 p.m. May
11-16, in Minor Hall.

The mysterious drama is set in a
small, seedy house in an English
coastal town. The landlady of the
house decides to give her oldest
boarder a birthday party. She
allows two new, rather
boarders to play cruel tricks on
him. They smash his glasses, make a
fool of him, and drive him near

Presented in London and then
New York a few years ago, the New
York Post described the play as
having "Fascinating capacity to
be , ominous and evocative
of some dark and threatening
doom." The New York Times
claimed that "Apart from Mr.
Pinter's Homecoming. It is incomparably
the most interesting play to
be seen on Broadway for some
season." The Homecoming was
presented by the Players last year.

The cast of The Birthday Party
includes Wilburn, Robert
Schoffner, W. Simpers, Jim Carrington,
Mark , and Lee Wintz.
The play is being directed by
Arthur Greene.

Tickets are available for all
performances. The number to call
for reservations is 924-3051 between
2 and 5 weekdays.