University of Virginia Library


There will be a Daily Cavalier
smoker today at 5:00 p.m. in the
penthouse. Topic for discussion "Is
the CD going to pot?" The procedures
for running the newspaper will
be hashed out, new dope given on
University events, yet the mainline of
discussion will be the constitution
which will be put to the acid test.
Kellogg's Sugar Smack will be served
for refreshment.

"DOES Elmo Really Make The
World Go Round?" will be discussed
by the Astronomy Dept.
tonight at 7, 444 Cabell.

RADICAL Student Union:
meeting at 3 a.m., Colonnade Club.

WOMEN'S LIB members cordially
invited to National Secretaries'
convention at Howard Johnson's.

HAPPY Birthday, T.J. Love
from C.D.