University of Virginia Library

Contributions Asked
For Draft Resistance

By Corbin Eissler
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Resisting the draft can be a long,
hard and expensive decision. Any
student who decides his conscience
will not allow him to fight in the
Viet Nam war or be a part of the
military machine has a long legal
battle in front of him. The
authorities that be tend to resent
such behavior, after all what is an
army without soldiers, or as a song
asks what if they gave a war and no
one came?

But moral considerations aside,
resisting the draft whether good or
bad, is against the law. This means,
in addition to his convictions a
resistor needs money, money for
bail, court costs and so forth.

Recently an organized fund has
been set up to aid "any member of
the University community who
choses to resist the draft." The
primary organizer of this fund is Ken
Lewis, council member elect to the
Student Council.

Mr. Lewis added that although
the fund will be designed to help
any resister in the University
community, "there is one individual who is in real trouble
right now." This fund, he said "will
be used to pay ball, court costs,
hiring of lawyers and so on."

The fund will be raised by
collections at concerts and other
activities the organization sponsors.
But the main source of money is
private contribution
contributions, Mr. Lewis was quick
to add, "are absolutely essential and
urgently needed."

For those who are interested it
aiding the fund, a meeting will b
held Tuesday, December 16.
Students who desire to contribute
or gain additional information
should write to 342 Doble, Station
2, Charlottesville, Va.