University of Virginia Library

Second Option

The second option that of
complete withdrawal has been
gaining support among liberal-leftist
elements cross the nation. It is
the simple solution to U.S.
involvement; bring all the boys
home, America's war with all it
death and suffering will be over,
and we can then concentrate on
solving our internal problems. But
what are the negative ramifications
of such a drastic action? Firstly,
this would almost insure a
Communist takeover of the South.
One has only to recall the bloody
aftermaths of the Chinese
Communist takeover to realize
what the effects would be on thy
Vietnamese people themselves.
Thousands upon thousands of
South Vietnamese would be
tortured and put to death by the
now victorious Reds. A decade of
warfare breeds quite a bit of
viciousness and hatred. Secondly
the political consequences would be
immensely significant. Even many
of those that discard the
controversial "domino theory" and
condemn American entry into the
war admit that American actions in
Vietnam have become a salient
inclination of the U.S. desire and
capacity to battle Communist
aggression. As the leader of the
Free World the U.S. has all over the
world; we cannot just hand over
South Vietnam to the Communists
- to do so is to invite immediate
aggression in Cambodia, Laos and
who knows where else.