University of Virginia Library

Unicop's Virtue

Dear Sir:

Mr. Pysell has asked if anyone
knows of anything that the unicops
can do besides give parking tickets.
I have received two tickets during
my stay at the University and have
seen a unicop try to behave like
Humphrey Bogart over such a
ticket. Nevertheless, the unicops
have virtues as well as faults. My car
was hit on Jefferson Park Ave. and
was demolished. Miraculously, the
person who hit my car could and
did keep going at the wee hour of 2
a.m. A unicop heard the crash from
the unistation on Brandon, ran to
the corner to see the villain
escaping, hopped in a car and took
pursuit. He was caught and arrested
at the bus station, taken to the
hospital for treatment of a broken
nose and then charged. That act on
behalf of the unicops eventually
saved me $1000 for I had no
collision insurance.

Glenn Winstead
Med 2