University of Virginia Library

Letters To The Editor

Students For Democratic Society Forms

Dear Sir:

Contrary to Mr. Hanzelik's allegation
to the effect that "the
SDS philosophy has not as yet
even raised its ugly head here,"
his subsequent warning to the effect
that "To simply say that it
can't happen here, however, is only
to set the stage for its arrival,"
proved more prophetic. The Virginia
Chapter of the Students for
a Democratic Society received authorization
from National Headquarters,
strangely enough, on the
very date Mr. Hanzelik chose to
register his convictions in print.
Anyone interested in a more objective
presentation of the philosophy,
goals and methods of the
SDS is encourage to contact either
of us at 293-2308.

We honestly believe that token
solutions to what are becoming the
chronic problems in the University
community, and American society
as a whole, will no longer
suffice. The lack of truly radical
alternatives to these token solutions
has created an ideological
and practical vacuum which we of
the SDS hope to fill. The failure
of deeds to keep peace with even
the epid rhetorical pronouncements
from Pavilion VIII and the
editorial columns of The Cavalier
Daily has created a demand
for a Leftist philosophy that is
so longer embodied in the passive
hopes of the Great White Liberals,
who have previously constituted
the "radical" left at the University.
For a number of years now, this
University has comfortably seated
itself top a racial and social
powder keg; we welcome those who
care enough to help set off the

Hank Chase; Chairman
David Longfellow,
2nd Year College

Griping Invitation

To the University Community:

Some University-connected
gripe on your mind? Courses, coeducation,
counseling, culture,
condescension? Administration
policy on grass (the kind they cut
at 7 a.m. outside your window,
as well as...)? Would you like to
tell somebody besides your roommate
about it? Like a dozen faculty
members who care what students
think? Like a couple dozen students
who suspect faculty members
are people, too?

Do your bitching, and some
meeting, tonight at 8 in Maury
Hall Auditorium. A new organization,
the University Forum,
will hold its first meeting there.

Members of the Steering Committee
include Professors Catlin of
the Engineering School, Hart of
English, Harned of Religion, Harbaugh
of History, and student
representatives of the College,
Architecture and Graduate Education
schools. The new Dean of
Student Affairs, D. Alan Williams,
has accepted a position as member
ex-offic. Also expected to
be in attendance tonight are Professors
Kett and Vandersee, among

The University Forum is intended
to give students cf to
meet real-live professor people,
and vice-versa. It is founded
the assumption that stud an
faculty have a common in
in University affairs, and ca e
the maximum influence the
University when they talk to each
other and work together.

So whoever you are, faculty or
student, from whatever school, if
you care, come tonight at 8:00 to
Maury Hall.

Pieter Schenkkan
College 3