University of Virginia Library

Virginia Players To
Give Final Production

On Monday The Virginia Players
will present their final production
of the 1967-68 season. The play
"Angels of the Half Moon," is
written by Douglas Young, a
graduate student in drama at the
University. This is in keeping with
the Players' tradition of presenting
an original script as one of their
major productions each year.

"Angels of the Half Moon"
deals with Big Ed and his coterie
of college drop-outs. In each case
these people are faded artists in
their respective fields. They gather
around Ed in an almost worshipful
state, as he had reached the
pinnacle of his career as a pianist
before yielding to the corruptions
of the civilized world. In Ed his
followers hope to fine the key
that will aid them in gaining the
stature that he attained.

Their isolation is broken, however,
when a former member of
the group, Jaybird, returns for a
visit. Jaybird represents the foil
of Ed, as he has become a successful
dentist in the world that
ruined Ed. Jaybird is viciously attacked
by the members of the
group, but he still tries to make
Ed see that he must exert himself
to regain his lost prominence.
The ensuing action leads to a
shattering climax and a self-realization
within the group.

Cast in the central role of Big
Ed is C. Linwood Duncan, while
Jaybird is played by Chief Gordon.
The other members of Ed's
group are portrayed by Karen
Corwin, Michael Grigsby, Mary
Ann Mitchell, and Robert Shimer.

The production is directed by
E. Roger Boyle, with the sets
designed by Frank B. Silberstein.
Messrs. Boyle and Silberstein have
collaborated to achieve not only
a feeling of isolation of the group,
but also of the world slowly ensnaring
each individual in a vice.

The Players' production of
"Angels of the Half Moon" will
run from May 13th to May
18th, with curtain time at 8:30 p.m.
Tickets are on sale each afternoon
at the Players' Box Office
in Minor Hall from 2-5, University
extension 3051. University students
will be admitted on Monday and
Tuesday evenings for the reduced
rate of $1.00.