University of Virginia Library

Bad Poetry

Though wars such as Vietnam
bring many advancements in such
fields as surgery they are also the
excuse for a lot of bad poetry.
Pat Flood's "Fate of a Modern
Age" is a poorly done poem
showing how meaningless and
awful war can be. This can be
done without writing a meaningless,
awful poem. The collage of
photos surrounding the poem
makes two handsome pages if you
are illiterate. The last stanza is

Don Lewis' poem on "The
Honorable Frank Hume" is more
than a poem about Mr. Hume.
It is a poem about state of Virginia
and has some great lines such
as "But the spirit of the Honorable
Frank spurts, Eternal testimony
to a myth that failed."

His last stanza is particular

His last stanza in particular
caught my attention, but not for
the same reasons Miss Flood's did.