University of Virginia Library

Letters To The Editor

CD Editing Attacked

Dear Sir:

As a former C.D. reporter (who
resigned to edit the Wesley Reflector)
I sadly ask: What's with
you guys lately? We fouled up
often enough when I was on the
staff, Lord knows, but never was
such spiteful arrogance passed off
for responsible journalism!

Those vicious "editor's notes"
that cut up the writers of letters
are bad enough. (The letters may
be silly but that's no excuse.)
But the use of smear terms like
"propaganda sheet" in the lead
editorial Dec. 14 is unfair and absolutely
irresponsible. I had
nothing to do with the "Other
Side" effort on the new constitution
but I was pleased at its
reasonable and thoughtful tone.

Anyway that editorial can only
arouse suspicion. It emphasizes
that Mr. MacDonald did indeed
write all the articles and all the
editorials on the constitution.
"Methinks thou protesteth too
much" and all that.

Bob Edwards
College 4

Thanks From Calvert

Dear Sir:

I would like to thank the voters
in the College of Arts and Sciences
who supported the University
Party ticket in the recent Student
Council election. Your University
Party Councilmen will do their
very best to implement the programs
outlined in the Party platform.

Thanks again for your generous

Gordon R. Calvert
3rd Year College

Virginia 'Dogs'

Dear Sir:

During our stay at the illustrious
U. Va. Academic Village we have
heard with mixed emotions various
derogatory remarks concerning the
female species here on the
"Grounds" by the so-called "Va.
Gentleman." As far as we can
see, all are classified as "dogs,"
dull-normal, or male-desperate.

As another big weekend
approaches-and the "gentlemen"
roll to greet their blind dates (we
wish them luck)-may we state
that, among others, they leave behind
(from coeducational schools):

1) 3 "Women of the Year"

2) 7 former fraternity sweethearts
(former being with the last
2 years, not 10)

3) 3 Cheerleaders, one from the
Univ. of Tennessee

4) 5 student-council secretaries

6) 2 class officers.

We realize these statistics are,
by no means, complete-and, for
the most part-these of the female
gender are old (21 and 22). Nevertheless,
we list them in hopes that
the gentlemen will think? Before
cutting the "Va. Girl" to his date.

W. Smith
College 1
R. Russell
College 2

Wronged Guitar Player

Dear Sir:

In an attempt to clarify the role
credited to me by "The Richmond
Times-Dispatch" and "The Daily
Progress," I wish to make it
known that I was erroneously
named as the guitar player at the
SSOC demonstration against the
Dow Chemical Company last
week, that I am not a member
of the SSOC, and that I was
not present at the demonstration.
Hopefully, in the future, the
"newsmen" will directly obtain the
names of the persons in their photographs
rather than resorting to
descriptions from obviously misinformed
second-hand sources.

Daniel Casey