University of Virginia Library

In Engineering School

Student Council Candidates Answer Questions

1. What structural changes
would you like to see in the
Student Council?

2. Should the president be
popularly elected? Explain
your reasons.

3. Would you like to see
the College admit women on
an equal basis with men?
If not, Why' If so, under
what conditions (complete
co-education, some coordinate
arrangement, etc.)?

4. How many Council
meeting have you attended
to date? (Please be specific).

5. Comment on one other
matter you would especially
like to see the Council act


The Cavalier Daily regrets Mr. Lears
his with
the other Student Council nominees
which were printed last Friday. Mr.
offers his views today.—Ed.

1. I support a substantial increase
in the size of the Student
Council for three reasons: to directly
involve more students in the
governing process, to meet the
growing work load of the Council,
and to adequately represent a
rapidly expanding student body. I
am also in favor of the creation
of a separate, popularly elected executive

2. I feel that the student body
president should be popularly
elected because the University-wide
campaigning which would result
will bring more students into contact
with student government affairs.
I also believe that a popularly
elected president would necessarily
have more respect and influence
in dealing with the Administration.

3. Since the admission of women
to a state-supported university
is inevitable, I feel that the
establishment of a co-ordinate women's
college with some sharing of
facilities is the best answer to the
problem. The best traditions of
the University would survive and
prosper, while at the same time,
women would receive the equal
educational opportunity which
they deserve. It is also true that
the University has little more room
for enlarging in its present situation,
and a co-ordinate college
would be the most practical solution
to the vast expansion which
the admission of women would

4. Four.

5. The Council should sponsor a
more objective faculty evaluation
questionnaire than the one which
was attempted last year. This more
objective format, plus full Council
support, would insure this system's
success. The evaluations,
when completed, would be a valuable
advisory service to students
and administration alike.


1. I am in favor of the popular
election of the president of the
Student Council and I do believe
that the Council membership
should increase with the increase
in growth of the University. However,
I am against ratification of
the new Constitution in its present
unfinished form.

2. Yes—I strongly believe that
the president should be popularly
elected. A popular election would
cause more students to become involved
with the Student Council
affairs. Also a president (being
popularly elected) will be the voice
of the majority of students and
therefore I believe that he would
have more influence with the administration.

3. No—I am not in favor of
coeducation at the University. Coeducation
at Virginia would change
our school completely and not
for the better. If coeducation must
be done I would certainly like to
see a co-ordinate arrangement of
some kind set up.

4. I have attended one meeting
and have spoken at length with
councilmen about issues and operations
of the Student Council.

5. I am strongly in favor of
the new car sticker system. As of
now, the University's regulations
governing the use of cars have
been extremely strict. The new
system would allow more students
to have cars and at the same time
it would not increase the parking
problems at the University.


1. There are two structural
changes that I believe would be
beneficial. First, popular election,
at large, of the president. Second,
representation proportional to the
number of constituents from each
school by living areas.

2. I favor popular election of
the president for three reasons.
One, the entire student body should
choose the person who will represent
them at conferences and
meetings with University guests.
Two, because he represents the entire
student body he will be more
effective in dealing with the administration.
Three, he would be
more responsive to the desire of
the students.

3. While personally feeling that
co-education would destroy many
of the things which are unique to
the University. I do not believe
the school will be able to resist
the pressure of the State and
Federal governments. I feel the
best alternative is a co-ordinated
college physically connected to the
present Grounds (such as Birdwood).

4. I have attended one meeting.

5. I would like to see a pass-fail
system initiated for the humanities
electives in the Engineering
School. This would enable students
with their heavy workload
of technical subjects to benefit
from the more difficult College
courses without being unduly concerned
with time and grade-point