University of Virginia Library

Chinese Artist
Plans Showing

One of China's leading traditionalist
painters will be featured
in the gallery of the Charlottesville
Dinner Theatre.

The one-man show will open
November 10 as the first in a series
of art shows to be in the theatre
lobby. The policy of the theatre,
according to the theatre's general
manager, James E. Abbe III, is
to feature established artists, as
well as local talent from the Central
Virginia area.

Henry Wo Yue-Kee, the first
featured artist, is an art teacher
in Hong Kong and is considered
by Chinese critics to be one of
the top contemporary artists of his

Mr. Wo studied Western art
under the late Lau Kwan-Yum,
and Chinese art under Chao Shao-An.
Mr. Chao said of his former
pupil's work, "being earnest in
learning and thorough in his work,
plus his artistic genius, Mr. Wo
has created a glorious style of his
own. His individuality in the
handling of birds, flowers, animals,
fish and landscapes have delighted
many viewers. His painting combines
great, free washes with delicate

The artist's favorite subject is
the lotus. A recent exhibit in Hong
Kong depicted the lotus in the rain,
in moonlight and sunshine plus a
number of other natural settings.

His exhibit here in Charlottesville
will feature over 70 paintings.