University of Virginia Library

Leadership In Lynchburg

Carter Glass III, scion of a well-known
Virginia political family and general manager
of the Lynchburg News and the Daily Advance,
gained national attention last spring
when his newspapers' racial policies were
attacked in an open letter signed by 71
of Lynchburg's most prominent citizens.

Both Time and Newsweek covered the
affair; Life and many major newspapers
editorialized on it, and you may remember
the editorials reprinted in this paper from
The Randolph-Macon Women's College Sun

Mr. Glass's struggle with the citizenry
may have just begun, though, the Lynchburg
College Critograph commented last

His latest attack has been directed at
Randolph-Macon's President William Quillian
Jr., one of the signers of the letter
last spring.

According to an Advance editorial, Mr.
Quillian, among other charges, told a
"northern socialist crimson journal" some
unflattering things about the Lynchburg
dailies. The publication was not named,
although we recall that the Washington
Post was branded as "extreme socialist"
in an earlier Glass diatribe.

It seems that Mr. Glass has still not
learned that the responsible citizens of
Lynchburg are tired of such childish name-calling
and would prefer to read some
of the news which Mr. Glass is determined
to protect them from.

As the Lynchburg College paper remarked:
"In branding Dr. Quillian an academic
bookburner, The Advance is simply grinding
a well-worn axe. It seems a shame that the
R-MWC president has become the latest
Glass whipping boy at a time when the
city cries for constructive newspaper leadership."